16/07/2015 Pearl Store Update (KR)

“CHANGES TO ITEMS” Costume set name has changed: – Costume with wings is now called “Costume Set A” and without wings is “Costume Set B”. Horse Flute (Permanent) can now be traded using item exchange: – Right-click to release the item then it can be registered on item exchange. Premium appearance change can now be…

02/07/2015 Pearl Store Update (KR)

“EVENT INFORMATION” Summer is coming! 25% off Pearl Store items Sale lasts from 02/07/2015 to 09/07/2015 “RELEASE PRODUCT INFORMATION” Sale items may differ from the images below, and are subject to change. Item Exchange may not be possible with some of the items you purchase with Pearls All times and dates are in UTC+9 timezone.…

02/07/2015 Translated Patch Notes (KR)

This patch update included a new red battle system and new pets along with 43 additional changes. For details on this update, refer to the information below.   [Character ] ● Pearl store has changed the look of the characters using facial expressions, smiling.   [Warrior ] ● Battlefield of Sound skill cool-down has been reduced from…

Server Merge FAQ

Hello, The MMORPG, Black Desert. During July we are merging the world of Black Desert into one server! Refer to the information below for all the details. Once the servers are merged, we will be shortly releasing Valencia! Click here to view our gallery of Valencia Screenshots (Please note that not everything in this post may…

25/06/2015 Pearl Store Update (KR)

“EVENT INFORMATION” Summer is coming! 25% off Pearl Store items Sale lasts from 25/06/2015 to 02/07/2015 Additional sale rom 02/07/2015 to 09/07/2015 “RELEASE PRODUCT INFORMATION” Sale items may differ from the images below, and are subject to change. Item Exchange may not be possible with some of the items you purchase with Pearls All times…

18/06/2015 Pearl Store Update (KR)

“Changes to Items” Value Package (90 days) has extra benefits Item drop scrolls have been increased from 10 to 15. Shout of Hidel x15 “Release Product Information” Sale items may differ from the images below, and are subject to change. Item Exchange may not be possible with some of the items you purchase with Pearls…

18/06/2015 Translated Patch Notes (KR)

Source: http://bbs.black.game.daum.net/gaia/do/black/update/read?bbsId=BDN002&articleId=148 This patch update was approximately 495MB and included mostly bug fixes with 75 changes altogether. For details on this update, refer to the information below. [Warrior ] ● Rotation Teaching Skill I, II, III, IV has been fixed. [Ranger ] ● The cool-down of Wind Collected skill has been reduced. [Giant ] ● Attack speed of Spray…