Translated Patch Notes 21/01/2016

Hello. The MMORPG, black desert. Thursday, 21st January 2016 patch notes included changes to the enchanting system along with  44 additional updates and is approximately 372MB. For details of this update, refer to the information below. Translated by   [Events] ● PC room benefits have been changed. – Additional combat experience acquired: 30% → 50% – Add party…

14/01/2016 Translated Patch Notes (KR)

Hello. The MMORPG, Black Desert. Thursday, 14th January 2016 patch notes included the Ranger weapon awakening “Elemental Sword ‘ , along with 56 additional updates..   For details of this update, refer to the information below. Translated by   [Events] ● Ranger adventurer, enjoy the spirit sword! The event is in progress. – Duration: Thurs, 14th January…

08/01/2016 Translated Patch Notes (KR)

Hello. The MMORPG, Black Desert. 08/01/2016 weekly maintenance included adjustments to the party distribution experience along with 89 additional updates. For details of this update, refer to the information below. ■  Compensation Information Reason: Weekly maintenance was extended by two hours Sent to:  Anyone who logged in between Thurs, January 7th 2016 – 07:00 and Fri, January 8th at 7:00…

Valkyrie Weapon Awakening Revealed!

Hello adventurers! It fills us with joy to announce the sixth Black Desert weapon awakening update! The next two heroes to receive their new weapons will be the Ranger class, followed by the Tamer (Beastmaster) class. With the sword and shield of a true warrior, what can we expect for Valkyrie? Combining solid defense and strong attack power, we…

[GM Notes] Valencia Part II Update

Where there is a new adventure and challenge December 2015: following the first anniversary of Black Desert. Valencia Part II has been revealed Many adventurers challenge, unknown in the land  will be able to conquer!     Hello. Black desert adventurers   In September, we announced the Valencia Part II update when we revealed the Ninja class.…

23/12/2015 Translated Patch Notes (KR)

Hello. The MMORPG, a black desert. Wednesday 23rd December 2015 patch notes included the  Valencia Part Ⅱ along with 60 additional changes. For more information on the PK and Punishment changes in Valencia Part II, click here for our manually translated GM Notes.   For details of this update, refer to the information below. These path notes have…

17/12/2015 Translated Patch Notes (KR)

Hello. The MMORPG, a black desert. Thurs, 17th December 2015 patch notes included Christmas Events and Giant Weapon Awakening along with 66 additional changes.  Valencia Part II pre-update is also included in this patch, ready to be implemented in the future. This means this weeks patch is approximately 4GB (10GB space required). Click here for this weeks Pearl Store…

CBT1 Events

Greetings Everyone! The first closed beta is almost here and we are proud to announce our first series of in-game events.  For those of you with a Conqueror’s Package, or the lucky winners of the CBT Key Giveaways, there will be several events hosted throughout the duration of the test.  Keep reading to see what…

Giant Weapon Awakening release 17/12/2015

 Hello Black Desert Adventurers! In September, we revealed the Sorcerer Weapon Awakening and gave you a sneak peak to the Giant Weapon Awakeing. Do you remember? Finally, the massive and powerful Giant has received his new weapon and we are excited to share this with you in our latest GM notes.   Hands that wield sharp axes have been fitted with iron…

EU/NA CBT1 Keys Giveaway

Black Desert Online EU/NA CBT1 is here! Forum discuss thread All giveaways are now closed! Thank you to everyone who entered. Winners have been sent their keys via e-mail. All keys have now be distributed via e-mail. Check your inbox! Congratulations to all of our winners and commiserations to everyone who applied but did not win in one…