Red Battlefield Guide

Introduction You can join the Red Battlefield at any time by opening the main menu (ESC) then selecting “War” and then “Red Battlefield”. A window should pop up explaining the rules and rewards of the battleground. Click the “enter” button to join. There are three Battlefield maps you can join: Castle Ruins (original map) Garmoth’s…

Guilds Guide

How to create/disband a Guild Talk to a Guild Manager NPC to create a guild. You will need 100,000 silver. Guild names can have up to 10 characters and can not include swear words or special characters. Guilds start off with 80,000 silver in the guild bank. These funds can only be controlled by the guild master…

Node War Guide

Introduction This guide aims to aid new players or players who haven’t ever participated in a node war. It also contains some information and tips for leadership roles in the guild. Guilds can own and fight other guilds in large-scale PVP battles, over Nodes and Regions to control them, and will earn silver for controlling…

Oasis Festival 2017: Q&A

On Saturday 8th April 2017, Black Desert held a PvP tournament at the Oasis Festival and spoke about the future plans of Black Desert for 2017. The event was broadcast live on the official Black Desert Twitch channel with translations for NA and EU.  You can view the full video here: Below is the translation…

Siege Rehearsal Part 2

Greetings Adventurers, This Sunday, July 3rd, we will resume the Siege Rehearsal, below you will find the designated times.  Also we previously listed the participation reward for the Siege Rehearsal as 30,000,000 Silver for your guild fund, we are modifying this as follows. Remember, to get credit for rehearsal you must fully build a siege…