khan's heart guide

Khan’s Heart Guide

Introduction Khan’s Heart is an Alchemy Stone and there are 3 different types of Khan’s Heart, each with different effects. Any version of Khan’s Heart can be crafted if you obtain a “Khan’s Concentrated Magic”, which is a rare drop from the Guild boss “Khan”. Players can also complete a once-per-family questline to obtain a…

Rulupee’s Travel Log Guide

Introduction Rulupee’s Travel Log is unlike other Adventure Logs, instead, it requires you to reach a certain amount of total completed quests to complete each chapter. The rewards are family-wide and include permanent stat upgrades such as weight limit, HP increases, and enhancement increases. You are also rewarded with Enchanted Scrolls (+40, +50, +100) when…

guild league

Guild League Guide

Introduction Guild League is a ranked PVP arena where 7 – 10 guild members can participate in a battle against another guild. The arena is similar to Arena of Solare, but it is exclusively for guilds, players use their own gear, and the match objective is different. A match can last up to 20 minutes…