Trading Lifeskill Guide

Introduction Since the 17th January 2024 update, Trading has been temporarily disabled while the developers find new ways to revamp the Life Skill. This means you cannot buy or obtain trade items at the moment. The Trading Life skill was revamped on 6th April 2023, introducing some much-needed changes to the life skill and completely…

Life Skill Mastery

Introduction Life Skill Mastery is a new Life Skill stat that adds extra rewards to life skills. The amount of Life Skill Mastery you have is affected by your Life Skill level and Mastery gear. The gear can be enhanced to raise your Life Skill Mastery, using Black Gems and Concentrated Black Gems. Your Life…

The Future of BDO – Dark Elf Race, Pegasus, Underwater Content and more!

Pearl Abyss held a user conference for Black Desert on 02/04/2016 in the ADM Community Gallery. They announced upcoming plans and the future direction of Black Desert. The CEO quickly discussed the Valkyrie Awakening Weapon (Lance) and explained that they plan to release content on a monthly basis. Manually Translated by   Sea Content The sea…