
Click the tabs below to switch between Cooking or Alchemy Recipes Last Updated: 28th February 2021 Cooking RecipesAlchemy RecipesCooking Recipes Important information before you start: Black ingredients are a previously prepared ingredient Green ingredients are grown on your farm Pink ingredients are gathered by yourself or workers Red ingredients are purchased from a food merchant Blue…

Hunting Lifeskill Guide

Introduction Hunting is an active BDO life skill that involves killing certain animals by shooting them with a gun. It is definitely one of the more unique and fun life skills. To get started, all you really need is a Hunting Matchlock and a Butcher Knife. I recommend doing the hunting quests first of all…

Guilds Guide

Clan vs. Guild Clans Clans are purely for social gatherings and can only accommodate up to 15 people. Anyone can create a Clan by talking to the Guild NPC. Once you have created a Clan you can invite other players by going up to them and using the clan invite option. Clans can also be…