The Black Spirit’s Adventure (BSA) is a dice minigame that anyone can play daily for small free rewards.
Each day, players earn up to 3 basic dice to roll on the board. When first logging into the game, a dice is available, then the other 2 dice are earned after 30 minutes, then 60 minutes logged in. A notification is shown in the bottom right when a dice can be claimed. Clicking this notification will open the Black Spirit’s Adventure Board. You can also open the board by going to the ESC menu > Reward (F3) > Black Spirit’s Adventure (4).
Click the “Acquire” button to collect your dice. Your 3/3 dice limit resets at 05:00 UTC each day.
Board Rules and How to play
- Every square you land on either has an action or a reward.
- Roll a pair of dice or use an Arcana Card to move on the board.
- If you roll double numbers (eg. dice #1 rolls a 5 and dice #2 rolls a 5), you will move that many spaces, then automatically roll another basic dice even if you do not have any stored.
- You can roll doubles several times and accumulate multiple rolls from one roll.
- You can hover over a dice to easily see how many squares away each space is. For example, in the image below the Ancient Spirit Dust x10 is 12 spaces away.
Boards and the Special Board
There are 3 different boards that loop in the same order each time. In addition, each board has a square which will move you onto the special board if you land on it.
Special Board
Notable Rewards:
- Caphras Stone Bundle I – contains x10 to x20 caphras stones
- Caphras Stone Bundle II – contains x10 to x30 caphras stones
- Cron Stones x30
- Advice of Valks (+40)
Finishing the special board rewards you with Caphras Stone Bundle – 5 (containing x5 Caphras Stones). After completing the board you will return to the normal board you came from on the special board square.
Dice and Arcana Cards
Basic Dice
- Rolls 2 dice randomly to determine the number of spaces you will move.
- Eg. If you roll a 3 and a 2, you will move 5 squares.
- Statistically, the most common dice roll will be a 7.
- If you roll a double, you will automatically roll again.
- Obtain up to 3 basic dice per day by logging in.
- Can also obtain from events or the Clattering Rattle Arcana Card.
Special Dice
- The special dice will always roll doubles of the number shown on the dice.
- For example the 2:2 dice will always roll double 2s, allowing you to move 4 spaces and then automatically throw with a basic dice.
- Obtained from events, a reward from the board, or you can obtain a random special dice by processing (Simple Alchemy) Black Spirit’s Special Dice Pieces x5 + Black Gem Fragment
Arcana Cards
Arcana Cards have special effects and uses. You can obtain a random Arcana Card by landing on the “Card” square on the board, or from event items:
Arcana of Fate Box
Wanderer’s Star
Arcana Card | Description |
![]() Pace of Delight |
Upon use, the Black Spirit moves 1-6 squares forward!
The amount of spaces you move depends on the number shown in the bottom right. Eg. The card shown in the example says “+1” and will move you 1 space forwards. Tip: Save +1 cards and use them immediately after exiting the Special Board to land on the -1 space and go straight back onto the Special Board
![]() Fated Encounter |
Upon use, the Black Spirit returns to START. |
![]() Nice Fluke! |
Upon use, receive 2 times more rewards from the next square you land on.
However, this is only applied if you land on the square by throwing a dice. Tip: Use this card before using a special double dice to ensure you land where you want for the extra reward. For example, if you are 6 spaces away from the Caphras Bundle II on the special board, use this card then use the 3 special dice to get Caphras Bundle II x2 |
![]() Clattering Rattle |
Upon use, randomly obtain a dice
You can get 1-3 basic dice or 1-2 special dice!
![]() Cosmos Cataclysm |
Upon use, the Black Spirit will randomly teleport to any square on the current board.
Tip: The best use for this card is to either use it on the 3rd board, since it is the longest, or the special board when you are near the finish to try and get another chance at the Caphras Bundle II and other notable rewards. |
Dice Auto-roll
You can choose to auto-roll your regular dice (not special dice). This will use all your stored dice at once.
Dice auto-roll can be turned on by selecting your regular dice in the Black Spirit Adventure window, and then toggling the “Auto” button in the bottom right corner.
All Black Spirit’s Adventure board rewards are sent to your Black Spirit’s Safe (B). All items in your Black Spirit’s Safe do not expire or disappear. You can collect the items separately by right-clicking them and they will be moved to your character’s inventory.
In addition to the rewards you gain when you land on a square, you also gain a reward each time you complete a board, and for your total rounds completed.
Board Completion Rewards
- Each time you complete a normal board, you are given a
Black Spirit’s Adventure Box
- Each time you complete the special board, you are given a
Caphras Stone Bundle – 5
Black Spirit Piece Appearance
When reaching 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 total rounds, your Black Spirit changes appearance.
Total Rounds Completed Rewards
Each of these rewards is obtained once per account after reaching the total rounds completed.
Repeat Rounds Completed Rewards
Each of these rewards is obtained every time you complete the number of rounds and is available after you complete 100 rounds.
For example:
- when you complete 110 rounds, you obtain the 10 repeated completion reward
- when you complete 120 rounds, you obtain the 20 repeated completion reward
- when you complete 150 rounds, you obtain the 50 repeated completion reward
- when you complete 160 rounds, you obtain the 10 repeated completion reward again
- when you complete 170 rounds, you obtain the 20 repeated completion reward again
- etc.
Black Spirit’s Special Selection Box I
Select one of the following rewards:
- Advice of Valks (+40)
- Caphras Stone Bundle (x20 – 30)
- Memory Fragment Bundle (x20 – 30)
- Black Crystal Shard Bundle
- [Event] Courser Training Box
Black Spirit’s Special Selection Box II
Select one of the following rewards:
- Advice of Valks (+50)
- Caphras Stone Bundle (x50 – 100)
- Memory Fragment Bundle (x50 – 100)
- [Event] Special Celerity Box