195 results found

oluns valley guide

Oluns Valley Guide

Introduction Oluns Valley is a popular end-game grind spot in the top 10 silver-per-hour spots for 2023, with average players earning over 800 million silver per hour, and top players reaching over 1 billion silver an hour. There is also the potential to make more silver by creating Ibedor’s Scrolls using the Venomous Night Fang…

drakania class guide

Drakania Class Guide

Introduction Class guides are a rough explanation of the class, designed to give you an idea of the class and what you should be aiming for. You should really adapt the guide and follow your own instincts to match your play style! I highly recommend looking at as many different sources as possible. The class…

Maegu Skills List

Introduction This skill breakdown is a list of all Succession Maegu skills as they appeared on Global Labs on 16th January 2023. The skills are subject to change after Maegu’s official class release on 18th January 2023. This list may become out of date if any changes are made to the class. Make sure to…

Monster AP Caps

Introduction All monsters in BDO have an “AP Soft Cap”. When you reach these AP caps, the damage you deal is reduced by a certain amount. The monster AP caps and data were recently collected and shared by BDO Maehwa Player “ACN/Mats” through thorough testing at various popular grind spots. This guide aims to explain…

Radiant Shakatu Seals Guide

Introduction Radiant Shakatu Seals are an attendance award you can earn by logging into Black Desert. You can usually get approximately 10 seals per month, and sometimes extras from other game events. These seals can be exchanged through the Manage Currency UI for various rewards. Manage Currency UI You can exchange Shakatu’s Seals directly in…