Mansions – Questline added
- A prerequisite to obtain the Blue Mane Lion’s Manor, ‘[Manor] Crusio Domongat’s Call’ has been added. If you proceed with this quest and complete the ‘[Manor] Father’s Heart’ quest, you can purchase the Blue Mane Lion’s Manor at 50 Contribution. You can accept this quest through the quest recommended by the Black Spirit (,) when you complete the quests ‘[Boss] Witch of Fear’ or ‘Call Adventurers’.
- The camera has been modified so that you can see a little closer when placing a housing item in placement mode in the Blue Mane Lion’s Manor.
- In addition, when placing items in the manor in layout mode, holding down the Ctrl key allows for faster layout adjustments.
- In the World Map (M) window, between Heidel and the Eastern border, the location icon of the Blue Mane Lion’s Manor has been added.
- It has been modified so that pets and maids are not displayed in the Blue Mane Lion’s Manor.
- Black Desert Research Lab NPC, Black Desert Lab Manor Flower Box that can be purchased from Eora has been added. The chest can be purchased from Eora for 500,000 silver.
- Items that can be acquired are as follows.
Items that can be obtained |
[Jangwon] Little Angelica [Manor] A small rhododendron [Manor] Cactus [Manor] Red Tulips [Manor] Yellow Tulips [Manor] Sunflower [Manor] Blue Rose [Manor] Maze-type Cloud Forest [Manor] Maze-type donut forest [Manor] Maze-type crouched forest [Manor] Whirlwind Forest [Manor] One hundred roses [Manor] Red Rose |
Enhancement Improvements
- Improvements have been made so that it is easier to check and increase the enhancement chance directly in the enhancement UI.
- A button has been added at the bottom of the enhancement UI so that you can more intuitively know the ‘extraction of enhancement probability increase’ that can be performed using Nader’s Belt and Blacksmith’s Scroll.
- Black Spirit (,) – It has been improved so that Black Stone (weapon/armor) can be immediately exchanged for an enhancement rate increase in Equipment Enhancement
- In the Enhancement UI, you can select which materials can be used to increase the Enhancement Chance by clicking the [+] button next to the items of Enhancement Chance Increase and Valk’s Cry
- In the same way that the enhancement rate increase value is applied through items such as Advice of Valks, it can only be exchanged when the currently applied enhancement probability increase value is 0.
- After consuming a certain amount of black stone (weapon/armor) in the material selection UI that is exposed by pressing the [+] button to increase the enhancement probability, you can immediately exchange the enhancement probability increase by +5 ~ +30.
- In addition, you can check and apply the list of materials you have by selecting Advice of Valks.
- You can check and apply the number of Valks’ Cry you have by clicking the [+] button in the Valks’ Cry item.

Music Album Improvements
- The bug that the time signature line (vertical line) was not displayed properly when enlarging or reducing the score in the composition/score window of the music album has been fixed.
- A note that can express 32 and 64 quarter notes has been added in the composition/score window of the music album.
Last week, when zooming in or changing the BPM and saving the sheet music, the phenomenon that the notes were pushed has been fixed. However, there was an opinion that it was difficult to use the 32nd and 64th notes as it was modified, and accordingly, the two items were improved so that they can be used officially.
Node/Siege War Changes
- Now, if you win in Calpheon, Mediah, or Valencia Siege Wars, in addition to the basic tax benefits, all guild members (including war heroes) will receive a victory reward per individual.
- Victory rewards are considered to be worth over 3 billion silver coins.
- We are planning a special incentive for guilds who fought but did not win. However, to prevent minimal abusing, a certain level of conditions is set.
- In addition to the victory reward, you can get the same tax as before.
- Balenos and Serendia Seige Wars are in the process of being revamped.
- The two regions will be revamped in a different way, and during this period, siege wars will be held only in Calpheon, Mediah, and Valencia regions.
- The two regions will be revamped in a different way, and during this period, siege wars will be held only in Calpheon, Mediah, and Valencia regions.
- A maximum attack/defense limit system will be introduced to Siege wars in Mediah and Valencia. However, this system does not apply to the Calpheon Siege War.
- The maximum attack power and defense limit are applied to all attack actions (PvP) such as the character’s basic attack, non-awakening/awakening skills, and summoning-type skills
Region | attack limit | evasion limit | Evasion rate limit | Damage Reduction Limit | Damage reduction rate limit |
Median Territory | 481 | 818 | 20% | 317 | 19% |
Valencia estate | 500 | 847 | 20% | 339 | 23% |
※ However, this figure is subject to change when it is updated on the official server.
- War Heroes can now play an active role in Siege Wars.
- You can contract with up to 10 heroes for each guild participating in the War.
- The conditions for participation in the siege war have been changed as follows.
Before change | after change |
Tier 3 – 4 Occupy 1 or more |
Occupy 1 or more nodes regardless of Tier |
- Guilds that have won the Siege War can now participate in Node Wars.
- Guild can now occupy only one territory for Balenos, Serendia, Calpheon, Mediah, Valencia Siege wars.
※ This update applies only to the official Korean server. - The ‘Brilliant Medal of Honor’, a personal reward for node wars, will be added to the Korean official server.
- Adventurers belonging to the guild and participating in the Siege War can receive the ‘Brilliant Medal of Honor’ item as a personal reward by clicking the Participation Reward button after the Conquest War is over.
- If you do not receive the participation reward after the end of the war, you will not be able to apply for participation to the next war.
- An additional medal will be given to the top 5% adventurers with high score in the winning guild.
- The top 5% of the victory guild’s members is rewarded with no additional compensation if the activity score is the same.
- Accordingly, it will be added that the items with the following buff effects will be given to adventurers with the highest level of activity in the Guild for Victory in Conquest War when they receive the participation reward.
- Reward for 1st place in victory activity: Glory of the battlefield (500 increase in health for 4 hours)
- This item has an expiration date of 24 hours after acquisition, and cannot be used when the expiration period expires.

However, as the rewards have been expanded, attack and defense limits have been added to the Conquest of Mediah and Valencia so that more people can have the opportunity to participate. However, we have made sure that the number is not too low, and it will increase little by little according to the growth of adventurers in the future. In addition, the current limit is a fixed method, but we are considering setting optional limits (lower attack power, higher damage reduction or evasion, etc.) to allow various settings depending on character characteristics.
Also, with the reorganization, each guild can re-contract the heroes of the battlefield in the Conquest War. There can be up to 10 heroes on the battlefield, so those who played an active part can also receive victory rewards or special incentives.
● The maximum attack/defense limit introduced in the first stage of the Node War has been changed to apply to all annexes such as forts, flame towers, new battlegrounds, and supply stations.
– However, additional damage from [Battle] Treena Destruction Axe, Node/Conquest War annexes, medium and large siege towers, and cannons is excluded.
● Changed to include forts, flame towers, new temples, and all annexes to the attack power limit for the first stage base battle, so the defense of the first stage forts, barricades, iron barricades, sloppy barricades, and barrier doors under construction with high defense is set to 50% has been reduced.
● The defenses of flame towers, new battles, and some annexes have been changed in the 2nd~4th stage of Node Wars and Conquest Wars as follows.
step | Annex building name | Defense change (%) |
Step 2 | Recovery Center, Elephant Farm, Cannon Observatory, Invincible Flag Scale |
100% reduction |
flag of immortality | 125% reduction | |
Flame Tower, New Temple | 20% reduction | |
Step 3 | Recovery Center, Elephant Farm, Cannon Observatory, Invincible Flag Scale |
33% reduction |
flag of immortality | 50% reduction | |
Flame Tower, New Temple | 34% reduction | |
Reinforced Flame Tower | 14% reduction | |
Stage 4 and Conquest | Recovery Center, Elephant Farm, Cannon Observatory, Invincible Flag Scale |
14% reduction |
flag of immortality | 12.5% reduction | |
Flame Tower, New Temple | 14% reduction | |
Reinforced Flame Tower | 12.5% reduction |
● The number of forts built in the Node War information of the World Map (M) window has been changed to be displayed.
※ This update applies only to the official Korean server.
● The phenomenon that annexes could be built on roofs in certain areas has been fixed.
UI Improvements
- A party recruitment button has been added to the function button area in the upper left of the game screen in the season server.
- When creating a recruitment article in the party recruitment UI, you can select the size (party/platoon).
- Accordingly, the size has been added to the party recruitment UI list.

- When the recuitment message button is clicked after writing the party recruitment text, clicking the promotional text that is created in the dialog window will link to the party recruitment UI and allow you to apply immediately.
- In the Sales tab of the central market, a search function has been added so that you can search for items stored in the central market warehouse.
- A connection line for dividing system messages has been added to the Equipment Enhancement section of the dialog settings.
Other Changes
Item Changes
- The Rift Fragment item, which is a combination material for the Echo of the Rift item, has been changed from Character Bind to Family Bind.
- The text of the box where you can obtain 1 item with a specified probability has been improved to be clearer.
- [Event] The icon of the rare Tungrad Accessory Box item has been changed.

- [Manor] The icon of Serendia’s Glory wall decoration item has been modified.
- Some of Kzarka’s apostles, who covet the power gathered in the vessel of accusation, succeeded in coveting the power and became more powerful with their sins.
- In the Star Tomb area, a <sinful> herald of corruption appears in the bowl of accusation.
- The <sinful> herald of corruption supports the apostles of Kzarka from afar, lusting for power by throwing a strong spear full of sin.
- Atoraxion Baamachia, when Urchios of the decisive battle in Baa’s Cradle goes below a certain HP in a petrified state, it has been changed to enter phase 3 in a state of not being able to hit.
- Atoraxion Baamachia, when Urchios of the decisive battle in Baa’s Cradle enters phases 2 and 3, camera direction has been added.
- The amount of rockfall and rock pattern damage used by Urchios in the final battle in Atoraxion Baamachia and Baa’s Cradle in Season and Normal Servers has been reduced.
Quest and Knowledge Changes
- The initialization method of all weekly quests has been changed based on the day of the week.
- All weekly quests are now reset every Thursday at 00:00.
- The following weekly quests have been modified so that they can be re-ordered at 00:00 on the following Thursday after completion, rather than a week from the time of completion.
Weekly order name | |
[Special Quest II] Resurrected Fear (Once a week) [Special Quest II] Fighting Hexe Mari (once a week) [Special Quest II] Conspiracy of the Abandoned Monastery (Once a week) [Special Quest II] Against the Dumb Tree Spirit (Once a week) [Special Quest II] Temple of Kzarka (once a week) [Special Quest II] Facing Muskan (once a week) [Special Quest III] Holy Power (once a week) [Special Quest III] Fighting the Ancient Futurum (Once a week) [Special Quest V] Lord of Navan Meadows (Once a week) [Special Quest V] Against Ahib’s Griffon (Once a week) [Special Quest VI] The Strongest Female Warrior (once a week) [Special Quest VI] Face Urgon (Once a week) [Special VII] Fighting Libre (Once a week) [Training Quest] Baltara – Towards a higher place (once a week) Seal of the Sycraia Undersea Ruins (once a week) [Event] To Bell’s Realm [Repeat] Alustin’s new experiment [Weekly] Morco and Patrgio Costume Bag [Weekly] Dew that embraces the rhythm of the moon [Weekly] Dew with the pride of fire energy rising upside down [Weekly] Upside down energy [Weekly] Seething Bandits [Weekly] Order of the Ruud Sulfur Workshop [Weekly] Sinners who cannot reflect [Weekly] I want to go back to the desert [Weekly] Danger of Argos [Weekly] Support not coming [Weekly] New Mushroom Dishes [Weekly] Logic of Power [Weekly] The Warrior Who Can’t Return [Weekly] For the forest [Weekly] Madness of the Manshaum Race [Weekly] Tshira Ruins Cleanup [Weekly] Red Wolf Sweep [Weekly] Training with the Schultz Guards [Weekly] Vengeance on the Basilisk [Weekly] Centaur disturbs sleep [Weekly] Recognition of the Bashim [Weekly] Purify Sherekhan’s Tomb [Weekly] Breeding Protty [Weekly] Getting ready to leave [Weekly] Bounty on Cadri |
[Weekly] rattle [Weekly] Dark parchment [Weekly] Lucrecia’s Ruby [Weekly] The immortal traces left by Baa [Weekly] Traces of the times left by Baa [Weekly] The trace of the moment left by Baa [Co-op][Weekly] Traces of the Rift Left by Baa [Weekly] Black Curtain Weapon Replacement [Weekly] Following the trail of dreams [Exchange] Asula’s Red Eye Necklace [Exchange] Asula’s Red Eye Earrings [Exchange] Asula’s Red Eye Ring [EXC] Asula’s Red Eye Belt [Media Fishing] Specially designed fishing rod [Weekly] Run through the wind [Weekly] New Year’s Eve Grand Prix, the hero of glory [Weekly] New Year’s Eve Grand Prix, the hero of glory [Weekly] Loot: Kzarka [Weekly] Loot: Garmoth [Weekly] Loot: Kutum [Weekly] Loot: Karanda [Weekly] Loot: Offin [Weekly] Loot: Gynt and Muraka [Weekly] Procurement of the Essence of Tunta [Elvia Week] Prepared End [Weekly] Posture to prepare for departure to the ocean [Weekly] Savage Sea Crocodile [Specialty Weekly Cuisine] Unforgettable Cuisine I [Specialty Weekly Cuisine] Unforgettable Cuisine II [Artisan Weekly Cuisine] Unforgettable Cuisine I [Artisan Weekly Cuisine] Unforgettable Cuisine II [Master’s Weekly Cuisine] Unforgettable Cuisine I [Master’s Weekly Cuisine] Unforgettable Cuisine II [Professional Weekly Fishing] The taste of harpoon fishing [Artisan Weekly Fishing] The taste of harpoon fishing [Master I Weekly Fishing] The taste of harpoon fishing [Master I Weekly Fishing] The taste of harpoon fishing Restoration of honor at the top of Xi’an An urgent request from Calpheon Workshop Calpheon Lady’s Popular Item dreamy girl Altinova’s upper class skin beauty A continuous march of research [Weekly] Special nutritional food for horses |

- The lines of the fallen soldiers appearing in the main quest ‘The Fallen’ in Calpheon have been improved.
- Among the general quest ‘New Business’ in Kamasylvia, some typos have been corrected.
- Among the main quests for Odilita, the conditions for achieving the total quest goals required for the continuous quest ‘[Odilita] Arien’s Jade Fruit’ have been relaxed.
Before change | after change |
Defeat 300 Corrupted Ahibs | Defeat 150 Corrupted Ahibs |
Backgrounds, NPCs, Effects, Cutscenes Changes
- The phenomenon that the screen playback was interrupted when playing videos such as intro video and Kzarka cutscene has been fixed.
- In the World Map (M) window, the phenomenon that the background near the Blue Mane Lion’s Manor was awkward has been corrected.
- The background music of the ruins of Hystria and Aakman Temple has been changed.
There was a request to make some great BGM for the ruins of Hystria and the Temple of Akman. I prepared it as a BGM suitable for Valencia and the desert, so I hope it will have a small meaning for adventurers who frequently use the area.
System Changes
- When a character’s level rises, the phenomenon in which screen playback is interrupted due to UI exposure and effect effects has been improved.
- Added to collect the adventurer’s hardware information (CPU, RAM, DISK, GPU, etc.) when the Black Desert launcher reports an error and agrees to the collection of PC information.
Bug Fixes
- The phenomenon that the background of the area near the Serendia Shrine looks awkward has been corrected.
- Fixed the issue where the resurrection motion was awkwardly exposed when a character dies in the Serendia Shrine area.
- The phenomenon that records were intermittently omitted from the log of the guild (G) window has been corrected.
- When the maintenance cost is reduced every 24 hours due to a unilateral declaration of war, the phenomenon that the output system message was not displayed on some servers has been fixed.
- Fixed the issue where the unavailable button was exposed when approaching the building door inside the manor.
Class Changes
All Classes
- The ability to transfer all character information within a family from Official Server (Live Server) to the Black Desert Research Lab account has been added.
- This function can be performed in the ‘Black Desert Lab’ option on the official server.
- If you proceed with this process, all character information within the family (official server) will be transferred to the account (family) of the Black Desert Research Lab. However, all character information of the Black Desert Research Lab that has already been created will be lost.
- The transferred information includes family information, all character information (including applied weight and bag), strength, breathing, health experience, customization, UI settings, pets, fairy, all mounts, skill information, skill addons, maid, title, Adventure log information, quest information.

- A color effect has been applied to the detailed values of skill addons.
- The name of the PvP attack power effect among skill addons has been changed to human additional attack power.
- Since the actual effect is applied to all human subjects, the name has been changed to match the actual effect.
- Some improvements have been made in the movement of stopping while moving in the combat stance of the next class.
- Archer, Guardian, Hashashin, Nova, Sage, Corsair

![]() ▲ Before change |
![]() ▲ After change |
- While using the Mareca: Jet Stream skill, when linked with the Mareca: Spiral Soak, the character rotates in the direction of the camera to activate.
- It has been improved so that the character stops even if you press the ↓ key while using the Smooth Sailin’ skill left and right.
- It has been improved so that other skills can be linked directly during the stopping motion of the Smooth Sailin’ skill.
- When using the Smooth Sailin’ skill, it has been changed to rotate briefly only when the enemy is in front.
- While the Smooth Sailin’ and Riding Waves skill is in use, it has been improved to smoothly connect with the Prime: Mareca: Jet Stream, Mareca: Spiral Soak and Mareca: Sea Stroll skills.
- When using the Absolute: Smooth Sailin’ skill, all evasion rate increase effects applied have been changed to increase by 9% for 10 seconds.
- After using the Ocean Melancholy skill, it has been improved to smoothly link with other skills.
- It has been improved to smoothly link with other skills after the 2nd hit of the Wave Lash skill.
- After using the Wave Pout skill, it has been improved to be linked to the Flow: Raging Torrent skill.
- The activation speed has increased for the Mareca: Whale Song, Mareca: Spiral Soak and Mareca: Jet Stream skills.
- It has been improved to smoothly link the Mareca: Sea Stroll and Serena Carol skill.
- The activation speed of the Whirling Slash skill has been increased.
- Absolute: Whirling Slash and Prime: Whirling Slash has a 9% increase effect for all hit rates for 10 seconds has been added.
- It has been improved to smoothly link with other skills while using the Splashin’ Around skill.
- When guard is successful while moving backwards, it has been improved to be smoothly linked to the next skill or movement.
- The bug in which the mark for the critical hit probability was not exposed in the skill Tidal Slash III ~ Absolute has been corrected.
- The description of the damage caused by the Mareca: Spiral Soak skill has been modified to match the actual effect.
- The PVE damage of the following skills has been changed as follows.
- However, the PvP damage is not changed, and the PvP damage reduction rate has been changed accordingly.
Skill name | Before change | after change |
Prime: Mareca: Jet Stream |
1 hit damage 1167% x 8 |
1 hit damage 1239% x 8 2 hit damage 1304% x 6 Last Hit Damage 1304% x 5 |
Prime: Mareca: Whale Song | 1 hit damage 1209% x 8 2 hit damage 1209% x 6 |
1 hit damage 1308% x 8 2 hit damage 1308% x 6 |
Prime: Mareca: Spiral Soak | 1 hit damage 1202% x 8 2 hit damage 1202% x 6 |
1 hit damage 1402% x 8 2 hit damage 1402% x 6 |
- After using the Wave Pout skill, it has been improved to link more smoothly with the Storming Gale skill and Wave Lash skill.
- It has been improved so that the last blow is activated when using the Mareca: Whale Song skill while using the Mareca: Sea Stroll skill.
- The bug of instantaneous slowness when hitting the Flow: Tide’s Kiss has been fixed.
- When using Crashing Wave, the character’s forward distance has been reduced.
- After using the Wipe Out skill, it has been improved to link more smoothly with the Riding Waves skill.
- Even after the 2nd hit of the Mareca: Sea Stroll skill, it has been improved so that it can be linked with the Prime: Mareca: Jet Stream skill.
- The bug in which the character’s costume was abnormally displayed during the skill demonstration screen of the Mareca: Sea Stroll skill has been corrected.
▲ Corsair is preparing to awaken! The image above is not Corsair’s weapon… So whose weapon is it?
We look forward to seeing many of you play.